
International School "Understanding Oxygen Fugacity in Geoscience"

5–9 September 2021, Department of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste

A school to highlight the state of the art, major debates and some case studies about redox processes and oxygen fugacity from the Earth's interior to the surface.

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Geoscience seminar - 23 November 2021, 5 pm (Aula A, Palazzina O, Via Weiss 6)

Speaker: Lucia Mancini

Title: Application of advanced X-ray imaging techniques to geosciences


Geoscience seminar - 29 September 2021, 5 pm (Aula A, Palazzina O, Via Weiss 6)

Speaker: Francesco Narduzzi

Title: Cordilleran I-type granites: lessons from the Neoproterozoic Galiléia batholith, SE Brazil


Geoscience seminar - 16 June 2021, 4 pm  (online, Microsoft Teams)

Speaker: Ana Černok, TheOpen University, UK

Title: Apollo 17 apatite: nanoscale story-teller of lunar cratering history